4 Common Mistakes People Make With Their Lighting At Home And How You Can Overcome Them

When you’re at home, you want to ensure that you feel comfortable and can relax in your surroundings. This has a lot to do with your furniture and the way that you use space in your house but is also impacted by the way that light is used.

4 Common Mistakes People Make With Their Lighting At Home And How You Can Overcome Them

When you’re at home, you want to ensure that you feel comfortable and can relax in your surroundings. This has a lot to do with your furniture and the way that you use space in your house but is also impacted by the way that light is used.

There are a number of common mistakes that people make in their homes when it comes to lighting but luckily these can be easily overcome.

Read our blog to learn about six of the most common mistakes that people make with lighting and how they can be overcome..

Photo by Helena Lopes / Unsplash

The Lighting Is Uncomfortable

You know the feeling when you are sitting in a room and the lighting is making you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Often, this is because there is too much lighting or not enough. People often don’t use lighting for functional reasons either, but having enough lighting that is being used for the right purposes will help you to overcome this problem. Be sure to have ambient lighting, which is an overall light source, as well as task lighting for specific tasks and accent lighting, which can be used to decorate a certain area of the room.


The Bathroom Is Too Dark

Many of us now use our bathrooms to get ready in but are doing so when there isn’t actually enough light available. If you want to increase the light and get ready with ease, consider investing in a bathroom mirror light. This will ensure that your face is well lit while you are getting ready and will assist you with shaving or makeup application.

Long lines of tiny speckles on light in a high-ceiling interior
Photo by Joshua Sortino / Unsplash

The Lighting Is Too Bright

Overly bright lights can lead to uncomfortable surroundings that lack ambience. To avoid this, install a dimmer switch that will allow you to have more control over the lighting in your home.


The Light Is Too Big Or Too Small

When it comes to choosing fixtures for your home, it’s important to consider not only your décor but also the size of the room that the light is going in. Don’t overcrowd small rooms with large lamps and equally, don’t underwhelm a large space with tiny fixtures. If you want to see how a light fitting is going to look in a room in terms of size before you purchase it, mock up a cardboard shape using the measurements and place it in the room.