90% of People Now Buy CFLs – Will LEDs Be Next?

<span>A recent survey has found that nine in ten people in UK households now buy CFL light bulbs on a regular basis, having embraced the idea of lower energy emissions and slashed energy bills.span>

90% of People Now Buy CFLs – Will LEDs Be Next?

A recent survey has found that nine in ten people in UK households now buy CFL light bulbs on a regular basis, having embraced the idea of lower energy emissions and slashed energy bills. The same survey also found that just a third of the country buy LEDs regularly, but figures are on the rise, confirming the common prediction that LEDs will soon become the primary lighting method of choice for households all over the country.

BLT Direct, one of the UK’s leading providers of lighting solutions, both CFLs and LEDs, is thrilled at the news that Brits are embracing energy-saving light bulbs and incorporating them into their home. With their wide range of light bulbs of many different types, wattages, colours, shapes and sizes, BLT Direct are committed to providing the public what they want, whether it’s a traditional CFL as a replacement for an incandescent bulb, or a bright LED used in a workplace or a commercial outlet.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, says, “The news that the British population are welcoming energy-saving lighting alternatives into their home is fantastic, especially the statistic regarding CFLs. To have 90% of survey respondents admit to buying CFLs regularly is a fantastic step forward for the industry. Now LED light bulbs are also on the rise as people seek to streamline their energy bills even further without sacrificing on the quality of light they have become so accustomed to.”

He adds, “The ban on the production of incandescent bulbs obviously helped to turn the ride for consumers, and things like simpler labelling and cheaper prices will only help the public to embrace these energy-saving light bulbs even further.”

BLT Direct have in stock a range of high-quality light bulbs under different brands, all of which boast energy-saving, eco-friendly credentials, as well as the ability to illuminate homes and businesses in an attractive way. Their CFL light bulb range can help consumers to use between 20% and 60% less electricity on their lighting solutions, and they also last for between 8 times and 15 times longer than the traditional incandescent; it is these figures that have had such a sway on the public’s choice to switch to these more modern alternatives.

Their range of LEDs is also extensive, and although the initial outlay for a quality LED is higher than consumers would spend on a CFL, the savings are dramatically more pronounced. Just one Megaman LED 4-watt light bulb can end up saving consumers £111.60 over the course of its lifespan; another reason to invest and watch the savings roll in.

In the coming years it looks as though LEDs are set to take over as the primary lighting method for homeowners all over the country, but with the excellent choices of CFLs and LEDs, real savings can start today.

To find out more about the range of energy-saving light bulbs available, visit the BLT Direct website