BLT Direct Dispel Common Myths About Energy-Saving Lighting Solutions

<span>BLT Direct are on a mission to convince the public of the merits of energy-efficiency, dispelling some of the most common myths about low-energy light bulbs. Read on to discover what fiction and myths they are putting to bed.span>

BLT Direct Dispel Common Myths About Energy-Saving Lighting Solutions

Energy-saving lighting solutions are undoubtedly one of the most effective and easiest ways to cut energy bills and reduce a carbon footprint for homes and businesses across the country. They are widely adopted by thousands, but there are still some who believe in certain myths about energy-efficiency; myths that prevent them from embracing the new technology and incorporating it into their everyday living spaces.

BLT Direct are one of the UK’s premier providers of energy-saving lighting solutions, and they are setting out on a mission to dispel the most common myths and lies about energy-efficient light bulbs and fittings. The statistics surrounding their comprehensive range alone are enough to put many of the ideas about LEDs and CFLs to bed, and the expert lighting suppliers are hoping that 2014 could be the year when energy-efficiency is finally embraced by a much larger chunk of the population.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, says, “There are still many common ideas about low-energy light bulbs; ideas which prevent a number of people from investing in them. Whether they believe that energy-efficient bulbs will not provide high-quality or illumination, or whether they are of the opinion that installing these bulbs will cost them a fortune, there are a number of myths and ideas out there that are preventing the widespread adoption of these super-efficient lighting solutions. We would like to dispel these myths once and for all, and encourage more people to discover how these bulbs and fittings could benefit them and their environment.”

One of the most prevalent myths regarding energy-efficient light bulbs is that they will be dimmer than incandescent bulbs, and will flicker regularly. People tend to believe that if something is energy-efficient, it means its overall performance will substandard; the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Energy-saving LED light bulbs are the best performing light bulbs on the market, providing high-quality lighting that doesn’t flicker or grow dim, and CFLs are not far behind in terms of illumination and performance levels.

Many people also worry that making a wholesale change to their lighting solutions will mean finding new bases, installing complicated holsters and trying to get to grips with a whole new bulb base system. This is also a much-perpetuated myth. The vast majority of energy-saving bulbs on the market come with traditional Bayonet or Edison Screw bases, all of which will be compatible with the most common lighting fixtures already installed in homes.
When energy-saving light bulbs were in their infancy, many consumers protested that they took a while to start up. When the switch was flicked, the light that came on was dim, slowly ‘warming up’ and getting brighter over the course of a few minutes. With the more modern energy-saving bulbs, this is far from the case. LEDs hit their full brightness the second they are switched on, with no warm-up time and no wait for it to reach its optimum illumination.

Lastly, the cost of these bulbs is a real point of contention for many. A number of people still believe that LEDs and CFLs are incredibly expensive, and whilst the initial outlay for these bulbs might be a little elevated when compared to incandescent bulbs, the incredible savings that are made over the course of the bulbs’ life spans more than makes up for the initial investment. A CFL which costs £5 will have paid for itself over the course of just one year, and many LEDs can save consumers more than £100 over the course of their life; a worthwhile investment in a time when energy bills are always rising. 

If the general public can get to grips with the truths surrounding these bulbs rather than believing the convenient myths and sticking with their traditional incandescent bulbs, the scope for lower energy bills and a greener society could be dramatic. BLT Direct are always on hand to dispel any myths, and their complete range of energy-saving lighting solutions can help all newcomers to install the right options into their home or business.