Christmas Lights; A History with BLT Direct

BLT Direct is one of the UK's leading retailers in decorative, sparkling Christmas lights, but have you ever wondered how the idea of fairy lights become a long standing holiday tradition? Way back...

Christmas Lights; A History with BLT Direct

BLT Direct is one of the UKs leading retailers in decorative, sparkling Christmas lights, but have you ever wondered how the idea of fairy lights become a long standing holiday tradition? Way back in 1880 when Thomas Edison was fiddling with wires to create light bulbs, the stranded fairy lights were chosen to decorate the outside of his laboratory.

Initially, candles were used as decoration upon the traditional Christmas tree and fireplace, over one hundred years later however Christmas lights are strewn across lawns and roofs with many residential areas competing over the finest and most vibrant display of electricity. Whilst candles were the source of delicate and soft illumination, they lack the practicality that comes with the innovative light bulb. Thomas Edisons partner Edward Johnson was the first to create a string of Christmas tree lights in 1882, hand wiring 80 coloured light bulbs; Johnson literally electrified the Christmas tree!

It wasnt until 1903 however that Christmas lights became a family tradition, before the turn of the century electricity was reserved for only the wealthy and after 1903 pre-assembled kits were sold to everyone to decorate their homes in time for the holidays. It took another 17 years for the multi-coloured strings of light bulbs to become a fully commercial business; Albert Sadacca was a founder of (National Outfit Manufacturers Association) NOMA Electric Co. Who were pioneers in the Christmas lights market up until the 1960s.

Fifty years later, every company, business and service cashes in on Christmas and Christmas lights. BLT Direct not only offers an ample selection of Christmas lights and fairy lights in their online catalogue, the established light bulb experts provide some of the most competitive prices on the market. Whether they are to decorate the tree, the roof or even the car, BLT Direct has the Christmas lights for you.

  • To view the entire range of Christmas lights from BLT Direct, please visit Our Website

About BLT Direct:  BLT Direct are an online supplier of lighting solutions.  They provide a wide range of lighting products, as well as light fittings and lamp disposal services, and are committed to offering energy efficient solutions to meet a wide range of home and business lighting needs.