Consumers Must Buy 40 Incandescent Bulbs to Match Longevity of LEDs

BLT Direct, one of the country's leading suppliers of energy-saving light bulbs, is urging homeowners to switch to a more efficient lighting solution, after it emerged that consumers would need to buy around 40 incandescent bulbs to match the longevity of LED bulbs...

Consumers Must Buy 40 Incandescent Bulbs to Match Longevity of LEDs

BLT Direct, one of the country’s leading suppliers of energy-saving light bulbs, is urging homeowners to switch to a more efficient lighting solution, after it emerged that consumers would need to buy around 40 incandescent bulbs to match the longevity of LED bulbs.

The durability and long-lasting nature of the LED bulb has been extolled for a long time, and their energy-saving credentials have been extolled by the government, who have phased out less efficient bulbs over the past few years in favour of alternatives like these. Many are still sceptical of the new technology, worrying about the scope and cost of switching, but now with a concrete figure to compare it to, BLT Direct are strongly urging all homeowners who worry about their energy bills to take the plunge and switch to the more technologically advanced bulbs.

The efficient, economical lighting power of the LED lamp requires less power than their incandescent counterparts to provide a higher quality of light, and they are guaranteed to last for much longer than older bulbs. The energy of the bulb is utilised to produce light rather than wasteful heat, ensuring that they last for an average of 40,000 hours, miles ahead of incandescent bulbs which burn out in approximately 1,000.

Steve Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, says, “The initial cost with LED bulbs is higher but that initial expenditure is easily forgotten when you consider how long they last for. These efficient bulbs are guaranteed to last up to four times longer than standard, incandescent bulbs, so customers end up saving the money that would be used to continuously replace their lights. Buyers would have to purchase 40 incandescent bulbs and 5 CFLs just to keep up with the efficiency and durability of the LED bulb, making it the better financial option by a clear mile.

He adds, “In these times of change where we are choosing to focus on saving power and being environmentally conscious, the bulbs are perfectly suited to the needs of homes and businesses all over the UK.”

The US Environment Protection Agency recently calculated that LED lights will save 88 terawatt-hours of electricity from 2010 until 2030 – enough to power 7 million homes for an entire year. These staggering figures highlight the potential of the LED bulb to save plenty of money for homes and businesses, with some quite impressive efficiency statistics to boot.

As leading provider of efficient lighting solutions for domestic and commercial applications, BLT Direct are renowned for their comprehensive selection of bulbs that will save money. Their complete range of LED lighting bulbs, light fittings, strip lighting solutions and more specialist lights ensure that anyone looking revamp their lighting solutions can do so while making the cost-efficient, power-saving choice.