Could A Twitter-Powered Light Bulb Be On The Horizon? BLT Direct Investigates

<span>BLT Direct takes a look at the phenomenon that is Twitter-powered light bulbs - could this be a new feature in UK households?span>

Could A Twitter-Powered Light Bulb Be On The Horizon? BLT Direct Investigates

BLT Direct are a UK lighting company with the finger on the pulse of all new developments and advancements in light bulb technology. This week they are posing a question, both to consumers and light bulb suppliers: could Twitter-powered light bulbs become a reality for everyday users?

Back in 2012, a company called Quartz managed to set up a light bulb that would flash when certain events occurred. When China won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympics, the bulb would illuminate. When Facebook shares dropped below $20, the bulb would briefly flash. Whenever somebody tagged the brand’s official Twitter handle on the social network, the office would be bathed in light from the LEDs. Could this be an innovation that is integrated into homes?

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, who currently stock hundreds of cutting-edge energy-saving light bulbs from a range of diverse brands and suppliers, says, “The developments that are being made in the world of lighting technology are staggering, and we are now at a point where light bulbs can be controlled by anything from share prices to Twitter updates. The system itself is relatively easy to set up with a little know-how; all it takes is a Wi-Fi connected and an IFTTT (If This Then That) account. But is it something that will catch on in homes and businesses?”

He adds, “At the moment, this type of light bulb function is more of a plaything for those who love to get to grips with technology. If this type of technology is utilised in the future to, perhaps, switch on every time you receive an email or phone call, or flick the switch in the office when someone fires up the coffee maker, this could be something that homes and businesses could learn to love.”

Of course, right now, wiring up a light bulb to perform these functions is something that is largely carried out by the tech-savvy of the world, who can afford to splash their cash on Wi-Fi enabled gadgets that will turn on their kettle on command or allow them to control their heating from a remote location. Until the prices of these gadgets drop, such advanced light bulb technology most likely won’t be the go-to purchase for regular families and small businesses. For now they can stick with their highly energy-efficiency LEDs, so that they will be ready to make the change to Wi-Fi powered light bulbs when the time eventually comes.