Could you save money on your energy saving light bulbs?

Those who are looking for the cheapest energy saving lightbulbs have been awarded with a boon with the news that a new government initiative has been announced that allows people to do exactly that...

Could you save money on your energy saving light bulbs?

Those who are looking for the cheapest energy saving lightbulbs have been awarded with a boon with the news that a new government initiative has been announced that allows people to do exactly that – by clubbing together with their neighbours for better deals.

The so-called ‘collective shopping’ measure is just one of several announced by consumer minister Ed Davey as part of the Better Choices, Better Deals initiative. Although the scheme will be piloted later this year with a focus on helping people to save money on energy saving products such as light bulbs, the measure is designed to eventually save the consumer money on a wider range of products.

Mr Davey said that the measure would hand more power to consumers, saying that individuals could save money on such products as light bulbs by harnessing “the power of the crowd”. The government has said that if the pilot is successful, it will expand the scheme, and as part of that process will aim to recruit 5,000 community organisers to help to arrange collective-buying deals in their local areas.

One of the proposed manifestations that such a deal could take is signing up as a group with an intermediary organisation or business. This organisation would then transfer the households ‘en masse’ between energy tariffs so that they were always assured of being on the best one.

Other ways of saving money on your energy costs

The collective buying scheme was far from the only one in the government initiative to be of interest to those looking for cheap LED lightbulbs. That’s because the government also announced the “mydata” scheme, to which more than twenty big companies – including energy suppliers and retailers – have thus far signed up.

The scheme is designed to give the customer more information on how they spend their money, which they could then analyse, hopefully discovering ways of saving even more money as a result. It raises the prospect that if you are dissatisfied with the amount of money that you are presently spending on your energy costs, you could access independent advice on which suppliers are offering the best alternative deals for your individual needs.

What else can I do to save money on energy saving lightbulbs?

If you can’t wait for the measures of the Better Choices, Better Deals initiative to reach your community, bear in mind that there is still plenty that you can do to save money on your lighting.

Energy saving lighting is far from merely an environmentally friendly gesture, as it also allows you to save money on your energy costs, meaning that it makes plenty of sense to install your lighting in as many different places as possible in your home, including both the exterior and the interior – in the case of the former, just keep an eye out for energy saving garden lighting.

To browse a comprehensive range of energy saving lightbulbs, discover more about energy savings and to buy online, visit Our Website