Energy Saving Light Bulbs Popular Myths Busted!

Energy Saving Light Bulbs – Popular Myths Busted! The UK's leading supplier of light bulbs, BLT Direct, backs up the government's call for householders to cut their emissions for ...

Energy Saving Light Bulbs Popular Myths Busted!

Energy Saving Light Bulbs – Popular Myths Busted!
The UK’s leading supplier of light bulbs, BLT Direct, backs up the government’s call for householders to cut their emissions for a cleaner, greener environment.

Nearly one quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions in the UK is due to the use of energy (electricity and gas) in the home, according to the UK’s Department of the Environment and for Rural Affairs. Carbon dioxide is a ‘greenhouse gas’ which is believed to contribute significantly to global warming, a situation which the government is trying to tackle through its UK Climate Change Programme. However, it seems that householders are reluctant to tackle their energy use due to uncertainty over what they need to do and certain persistent myths.

One way to make your home more energy efficient is to make use of energy saving light bulbs. These are widely available and easy to install. BLT Direct says “Energy efficient bulbs may not be a new innovation but it’s surprising how many households have yet to make the change.” Many people do not realise that they can make their homes greener whilst also saving money this way.
Still not convinced? We bust some of the most popular myths about energy saving bulbs.

Myth 1: Energy Saving Bulbs Are Expensive
The initial purchase price of energy saving bulbs is higher than that of a traditional light bulb. However, energy saving bulbs use up to 80% less electricity, saving energy and lowering power costs. Even if only one energy saving light bulb is fitted within a household, this can translate to a saving of around £10 per year on electricity bills, or around £100 over the bulb’s lifetime. Energy saving bulbs also have greater staying power than traditional bulbs, leading to even greater savings.

Myth 2: Simply Changing A Light Bulb Will Not Make A Difference To The Environment
If significant savings on electricity bills is not convincing enough, consider this: if every household installed just one energy saving bulb, the energy saved would be sufficient to power all the streetlights in Britain for an entire year. Each bulb also accounts for a saving of 38 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. Committing to one more energy efficient bulb per household is therefore a huge step towards a cleaner, greener planet.

Myth 3: Energy Saving Bulbs Cannot Be Used With Older Appliances
Contrary to popular belief, energy saving bulbs offer just as much if not more choice than the traditional range of bulbs and lights. Adapters can also be bought for older appliances. And of course, although better for the environment, it’s not necessary to change every bulb in the home at the same time. They can be introduced gradually as traditional bulbs fail and require a replacement.

Myth 4: Fitting An Energy Saving Bulb Is Enough
To reduce the impact of a household’s carbon dioxide emissions, simply switching to energy saving light bulbs is just the beginning. Little things make a big difference so switch lights off in rooms which are not being used in order to save energy. In kitchens, consider using under-cabinet lighting, illuminating the work surface whilst reducing reliance on bright overhead lights. If you have fixtures for which an energy saving light bulb might not be suitable, consider switching to a lower wattage bulb instead.

For a comprehensive range of energy saving light bulbs in a variety of styles, visit Our Website where you can order online and benefit from special offers.

About BLT Direct BLT (Bulbs, Lamps and Tubes) Direct makes light work of buying light bulbs online in the UK and Europe. They specialise in supplying lamps, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Brands include Osram, GE, Sylvania, Omicron, Pro lite, Crompton, Ushio and Philips.