Ensure Minimal Energy Bills This Quarter With BLT Direct

The evenings have been growing steadily lighter for the past few weeks and with the clocks going forwards this weekend, the UK will now be in daylight for much longer. It's good news for thos...

Ensure Minimal Energy Bills This Quarter With BLT Direct

The evenings have been growing steadily lighter for the past few weeks and with the clocks going forwards this weekend, the UK will now be in daylight for much longer. It’s good news for those trying to cut down their energy bills, which will have been sky high throughout the long, dark winter. Lights will not be needed now until much later on at night, but there is a way to ensure that when the lights are turned on, they consume next to no energy at all. With technology moving at light speed, energy-saving light bulbs are more efficient than ever, providing warm white light for just a fraction of the cost and using a fraction of the energy. BLT Direct are a premier supplier of lighting solutions, including the very latest energy saving light bulbs, to help tighten up that energy budget even further over the spring and summer months.

Energy Saving GU10 Light Bulbs are now commonly considered to be a direct alternative to the high-energy halogen bulbs which are slowly being outlawed. The bulbs have a base which will fit any existing GU10 fitting, and they are available to buy in a wide range of colours and wattages. It’s been predicted that these super-efficient bulbs can create energy savings of up to 80%, with the standard saving of an 11-watt GU10 bulb standing at £58.50 over the course of its life span. Worries that these energy-saving bulbs are not as bright as traditional halogen bulbs are completely unfounded; the newest technology ensures that these bulbs are highly luminous and at just £3.99 per bulb or £34.99 for a box of ten, they are one of the best solutions for cutting down electricity bills whilst never compromising on quality.

BLT Direct also has a great range of Energy Saving GLS Bulbs, which come with the traditional Edison Screw Caps or the Bayonet Caps. These bases fit the vast majority of existing light fixtures and fittings, so converting to energy-efficient models needn’t be a daunting task. With the production of standard incandescent bulbs slowly being brought to a halt, now may be the ideal time to stock up on their environmentally friendly counterparts. A standard energy saving 11-watt GLS bulb gives a fantastic 70% reduction in wasteful heat output, an 80% reduction in energy consumption and an incredible 90% decrease in UV output. These bulbs are available in three colour temperatures (very warm white, cool white and daylight), and prices start at £4.99.

To find out more and order online, visit Our Website
About BLT Direct:  BLT Direct are an online supplier of lighting solutions.  They provide a wide range of lighting products, as well as light fittings and lamp disposal services, and are committed to offering energy efficient solutions to meet a wide range of home and business lighting needs.