How To Revamp Your Lighting For The Spring Months

As the winter draws to a close and the spring months start to take over, many of us start to look for ways that we can revamp our house to make it more weather appropriate. Lighting plays a big role in interior design so...

How To Revamp Your Lighting For The Spring Months

As the winter draws to a close and the spring months start to take over, many of us
start to look for ways that we can revamp our house to make it more weather

Lighting plays a big role in interior design so it’s worth thinking about ways that you can adjust your lighting so that it suits the season that we’re in.

Read on for some tips on how to adjust the lighting in your home so that it suits


Change The Colour Of Your Shades

Deep reds and purples might work well during winter but they can feel heavy and
quite overbearing during the spring. To make your home feel more seasonally
appropriate, consider choosing lampshades and fittings in more neutral colours.
Whites, creams and light greys work well, especially in modern, minimalistic homes.

Photo by bruce mars / Unsplash

Rely On Natural Light More

The days are longer and the sun is out more, so it’s a great excuse to turn your
lights off, drawer back your curtains and allow the elements to breathe some life
into your home. Filling your home with natural light is a great way to boost your
mood as well.


Consider The Lighting That You Use Outside

It’s warmer and lighter so it’s likely that you are going to be spending much more
time outside, so you’ll need to also consider how you can make changes to your
outside lighting. These Post Lights look great when used on driveways or in the
garden and create a homely and welcoming feel, great when you are planning on
entertaining guests with barbeques and drinks outside.


Choose Hanging Lights

If you have an interest in interior design and like to keep up to date with key
trends, you’ll know that hanging, pendant style lighting is a big trend at the
moment. We stock a wide range of Pendant Lights that look great used over dining room table, perfect for when you are eating with the family or even hosting dinner parties. If you want to create a really trendy look, you could even consider using more than one pendant light and varying the length of the fittings.