Introducing the New Range of Anti-Corrosive Light Fittings From BLT Direct

BLT Direct is helping customers get the most out of their lighting investments with a new range of anti-corrosive fluorescent fittings. Designed to encase LED bulbs and protect them from corrosive elements, the single and twin polycarbonate products are set to be instant best-sellers with commerci

Introducing the New Range of Anti-Corrosive Light Fittings From BLT Direct

BLT Direct is helping customers get the most out of their lighting investments with a new range of anti-corrosive fluorescent fittings. Designed to encase LED bulbs and protect them from corrosive elements, the single and twin polycarbonate products are set to be instant best-sellers with commercial customers.

Now, BLT Direct customers can purchase both energy efficient LED lighting solutions, as well as complementary fittings to ensure the products offer exceptional longevity. The fittings are a brand new addition to the BLT Direct inventory and reflect the company’s commitment to offering its customers a comprehensive range of bulbs and accessories.

The range features a variety of different fittings designed to suit various commercial, industrial and leisure applications. All fittings come with an IP rating of IP65. This indicates that the fittings offer total protection against dust and other solid objects, as well as protection against low pressure water jets. For car park facilities managers the fittings protect against dust, fumes and other emissions. In commercial kitchens the fittings are ideal for protecting LED bulbs against steam, water splashes, oil splatters, smoke and other food related elements. For factories, the fittings offer exceptional protection against industrial debris. This includes stray sparks, particle dust and condensation.

Anti Corrosive Lighty Fittings

As well as protecting against corrosive elements the fittings are also tamper proof and impact resistant. For public areas where vandalism and accidental damage are likely the tough casings are savvy solutions. They will reduce replacement and maintenance costs, as well as minimise downtime.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct said “LEDs offer exceptional energy performance however when exposed to the elements the longevity of bulbs can quickly deplete. When forced to regularly replace LED bulbs the eco-friendly credentials are cancelled out by the sheer wasting of resources. The range of anti-corrosive light fittings is designed to protect LEDs against destructive elements such as dust and water. They significantly enhance the life and performance of the bulbs which makes them a great way for businesses to minimise their environmental impacts while simultaneously saving cash and boosting efficiency.”

The fittings are available in two, four, five and six foot lengths, with single and twin housings. The inventory also includes stainless steel tamper proof clips for added protection. Before making a purchase customers are encouraged to contact the BLT Direct sales line on 01473 716 418. The friendly team is on-hand to help ensure LED fittings are compatible with LED tubes, and vice versa. As some tubes are manufactured with different wiring layouts fittings may need to be rewired in some cases.