Is Silicon Valley About To Make Light Bulbs Super High Tech?

<span>Think of the humble light bulb and you probably imagine a traditional, everyday item that you normally pay very little attention to. Technology leaders in California\'s Silicon Valley think ve...span>

Is Silicon Valley About To Make Light Bulbs Super High Tech?

Think of the humble light bulb and you probably imagine a traditional, everyday item that you normally pay very little attention to. Technology leaders in California’s Silicon Valley think very differently however and have take the standard, low tech light bulb and started to create a super high tech version that could revolutionise the way we light both our homes and workplaces.

The incandescent light bulb we know and love today was invented in the 1800s by Thomas Edison and although the product has adapted and evolved to include new variations such as energy saving light bulbs and LED bulbs, few developments have promised as much potential as the major breakthrough currently taking place in Silicon Valley.

Better known for its role in the Internet and Technology boom and as the birthplace of brands like Google and Facebook, Silicon Valley is the American epicentre of technological advance. One company has switched gears away from computers and the internet, focusing its efforts on the light bulb instead. It has produced a ground breaking new 135 lumens-per-watt LED bulb using a new material, gallium nitride-on-silicon. Silicon is commonly used in computer and cell phone technology but, has now been applied to LED light bulb manufacture.
The company using this new material to make LED light bulbs say that it represents a significant step forward as it is much easier to work with than the traditional LED wafers which use sapphire or silicon carbide substrates. Being able to make LED light bulbs much quicker and easier means that they can be more easily accessible and used more widely in the home or office.

Thanks to the new silicone material, the manufacturer estimates that consumers will see a massive 75% reducing in running costs, compared with the current generation of LED bulbs. The new more efficient LED light bulbs may be available on the market as soon as 2013 or 2014.

Commercially available LED light bulbs bought without these high tech improvements still offer a huge advantage of the old style incandescent bulb. Models such as the LED GU10 light bulb, available from BLT Direct, consume notably smaller amounts of energy than incandescent and halogen bulbs, making them more eco-friendly and more pocket friendly. They are suitable for use in numerous locations around the home and have many commercial applications. To browse the range and buy online check out Our Website

About BLT Direct:  BLT Direct are an online supplier of lighting solutions.  They provide a wide range of lighting products, as well as light fittings and lamp disposal services, and are committed to offering energy efficient solutions to meet a wide range of home and business lighting needs.