Lighting Predictions for 2016

We may be over half way through the year but interior design and lighting innovation is constantly evolving. Here are our predictions for which trends will be taking over people's homes and being developed in labs in the latter part of this year…

Lighting Predictions for 2016

We may be over half way through the year but interior design and lighting innovation is constantly evolving. Here are our predictions for which trends will be taking over people’s homes and being developed in labs in the latter part of this year…



With Amazon announcing that vintage style lights are amongst their best- sellers, the vintage light trend shows no signs of slowing down or going away. We have a huge range of vintage lights available for purchase on our website, so if you’ve been inspired by the style you can easily jump on board with the trend.

Up-Cycled Industrial

This is a look that’s set to be around for a few years, so it might be worth investing in. Some people may be daunted by the harsh look of the industrial style, especially as the winter approaches, but you can soften the look with rich gold tones and warm bulbs.

Nature Inspired

A world away from the Industrial look, another key trend for the end of 2016 is nature inspired lighting. Think lampshades shaped like leaves, and hanging lamps that look like the branches of a tree. This trend means you can bring the outside in, and maybe even have a reminder of the summer as winter creeps in.

Oversized Fixtures

The bigger the better! The oversized fixtures trend allows you to be bold with your choice of light fittings. From boxy to floral, oversized lights will make an impact in any space. They can also be coupled with other, smaller pieces to create a more eclectic overall style.



Energy efficiency is key this year, with more pushes to make the country eco-friendly underway – but don’t think solar ends when the summer does. You can purchase solar fairy lights now, so if you like to be prepared early for Christmas you can check out our range here.

Self-Learning Lights

This concept is being pioneered by Google for thermostats, but we feel the concept lends itself to lighting, too. Imagine a lighting system that can recognise the times when you use each room, and control its own settings…

Wi-Fi Bulbs

Certain systems may have suffered a security setback this summer, but Internet connected bulbs that you can control with your smart device are still a helpful innovation that we predict will appear in more and more homes very soon.

Which trend are you most excited about? Which will you try in your home? Let us know!