More Style Conscious Energy Saving Lightbulbs On The Way

If you've been putting off the switch to energy saving light bulbs for style reasons, a new push to create more eye-catching, interior friendly lamps that are also kind to the environment may have ...

More Style Conscious Energy Saving Lightbulbs On The Way

If youve been putting off the switch to energy saving light bulbs for style reasons, a new push to create more eye-catching, interior friendly lamps that are also kind to the environment may have you rushing to make a change. We all know the many benefits of energy efficient light bulbs, from helping to lessen our energy consumption and hence, our presently immense dependence on our planets finite resources, to considerably slashing the energy costs of our homes or businesses. Nonetheless, you may be reluctant to invest in energy saving lamps if the only examples that are out there to buy are badly lacking in the style to which we have all become accustomed.

Thankfully, help is at hand. Thats because a wide range of energy efficient light bulbs are now emerging that are more pleasing to the eye. Take the example of GE Lighting. The company has responded to the common complaint of many customers of fluorescent bulbs that their appearance can leave a room feeling colder and more industrial than is the case with conventional lights – namely, by perfecting the technology to create bulbs that don’t have quite as artificial an appearance.

The work of companies such as GE is demonstrating that it’s becoming increasingly unnecessary to forgo aesthetics in favour of environmental friendliness. Indeed, the <span style=color: #0000ff;><span style=text-decoration: underline;>energy saving lightbulbs that GE has developed are far from mere stylish substitutes for the real deal. Nonetheless, it’s also true that the occasional energy saving bulb used at home isn’t going to do too much to prevent larger scale damage to the environment. It is for this reason that so many business owners, lighting designers and architects are joining forces on larger-scale projects in which these cutting-edge electrical and lighting technologies can be implemented.

Some of the technologies that GE has been working on are still in development, whilst others are available right now. Indeed, not only are <span style=color: #000000;>energy saving light bulbs set to become more stylish in the coming years, but so are the lighting management technologies that are associated with them. In the development of one new system of highly efficient fluorescent bulbs, for example, GE has incorporated an automatic photo sensor that detects the amount of natural light in a room and alters the light level accordingly.

LED light bulb technology has also progressed in recent years, with such firms helping large corporations like WalMart (owners of ASDA supermarkets) with the integration of Fluorescent and <span style=color: #0000ff;><span style=text-decoration: underline;>LED lightbulbs. If there’s one thing that is for sure, it’s that energy saving light bulbs have truly developed their sense of style in recent years – and are set to become more stylish still.
To browse a wide range of energy saving light bulbs, find out more about energy savings and to purchase online, visit

About BLT Direct:  BLT Direct are an online supplier of lighting solutions.  They provide a wide range of lighting products, as well as light fittings and lamp disposal services, and are committed to offering energy efficient solutions to meet a wide range of home and business lighting needs.