Now Is The Time To Make Energy Efficient Improvements, say Lighting Experts

BLT Direct is urging anyone worried about their winter energy bills to make energy improvements now – and reap the rewards later in the year. With temperatures cooling and evenings beginning to darken, the autumn / winter season is approaching fast, and the team at the leading lighting provi

Now Is The Time To Make Energy Efficient Improvements, say Lighting Experts

BLT Direct is urging anyone worried about their winter energy bills to make energy improvements now – and reap the rewards later in the year. With temperatures cooling and evenings beginning to darken, the autumn / winter season is approaching fast, and the team at the leading lighting provider is encouraging all UK residents to boost their energy-efficiency now, to reap the full rewards when the first winter bills start to come through letterboxes.

Energy efficient improvements don’t have to break the bank, and they’re totally flexible to how much input the individual can provide. Even the smallest improvements can make a huge different – installing low-energy light bulbs, for example, can cut hundreds off a yearly energy bill and make the winter season much more bearable.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, says, “Energy bills have been steadily rising in recent years, leading to many people dreading the winter season, purely because of the amount of energy they will need to use to keep their homes warm and illuminated. We’ve even heard of some people going without heat and light during the winter, purely because they’re trying to save on their bills. We’re urging people to act now and reap the rewards later – if people make small changes to their energy efficiency in the month of September, by the time their bill arrives at the end of October, they’ll already notice a glaring difference in the amount they pay for their electricity.”

BLT Direct’s extensive range of LED light bulbs and energy-saving alternatives provides a great starting point for anyone trying to trim their energy consumption this year. The selection of lighting solutions in stock at the online shop encompasses all bases, sizes, wattages, shapes and colours, so keen energy savers will always be able to find the bulb that best fits their needs, without overhauling their fixtures and fittings.

Some of the most efficient bulbs can save hundreds of pounds over the course of their lifespan – so rolling these out across an entire property can have a significant impact on energy bills. For example, the Aurora LED GU10 7-watt bulbs, which are direct replacement for energy-guzzling halogen bulbs, can save around £154.80 over the course of their lifespan. If the bulbs last for ten years, and just five of these bulbs are in action in a home, that’s a saving of £77 every year on lighting alone – that’s not taking into consideration things like insulation, draught excluders other energy-saving improvements that can be made.