Offset Carbon Footprints and Energy Bills Simultaneously With Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Temperatures have severely dropped all across the UK in recent weeks, and after a relatively mild December and Christmas season, the freezing cold weather has started to hit many parts of the count...

Offset Carbon Footprints and Energy Bills Simultaneously With Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Temperatures have severely dropped all across the UK in recent weeks, and after a relatively mild December and Christmas season, the freezing cold weather has started to hit many parts of the country. Snow and ice has hit the roads and a bitter wind is making temperatures dip below freezing more often than many would like. This has the knock-on effect of much more energy being consumed within homes in order to keep them warm and protected from the elements; with energy rates always rising and the environment’s ecological state considered to be deteriorating, many are wondering how they can offset the funds and energy they will spend on keeping their homes heated this winter. One of the best ways to achieve this is by swapping conventional light bulbs for the more modern energy-saving lighting solutions which consume less energy, provide more light and save money in the long run.

Switching to LED light or other types of energy-saving light bulb is an extremely simple process. Many of the newer bulbs have identical bases to their older counterparts, so they can easily be swapped over without a fuss. There is no need to have extra lighting fixtures fitted, and no need for extraordinary measures in order to accommodate this new technology.

The initial outlay of these bulbs might be considerably more than a traditional bulb, but their significantly longer life-span and lower energy consumption results in much higher savings in the long run, helping to offset those cold winters for years to come. These bulbs can save more than £50.00 in electricity bills over the course of their lifetime, with some savings even estimated at more than £100.00; running costs in general are reduced by 70%. These calculations are for each and every bulb, and so the heating bills will almost pay themselves once the house is lit by energy-saving light bulbs.

The lower level of energy consumption is also desirable for those who wish to ‘go green’, as is common with many who are concerned about the state of the planet. Cutting one’s own carbon footprint is the best way to be pro-active about making this planet more eco-friendly, and using energy-efficient lighting solutions is an important step in this process. The bulbs have a better light quality than their incandescent predecessors, and there appear to be only advantages regarding these bulbs, especially where lighting the home in the cold winter season is concerned.

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About BLT Direct:  BLT Direct are an online supplier of lighting solutions.  They provide a wide range of lighting products, as well as light fittings and lamp disposal services, and are committed to offering energy efficient solutions to meet a wide range of home and business lighting needs.