Security Lighting Keeps Criminals at bay Claim Experts

Lighting experts are advising that whilst crime is on the increase in the midst of the economic downturn, investing in external light fittings is essential for those seeking to bulk up their curren...

Security Lighting Keeps Criminals at bay Claim Experts

Lighting experts are advising that whilst crime is on the increase in the midst of the economic downturn, investing in external light fittings is essential for those seeking to bulk up their current home security systems this season.

Police Community Protection websites are now advising local people to, Get an outdoor light with a sensor that comes on when someones around.As a burglar will often make up his mind to target a property from across the road; if your property is lit then he will generally look for a softer option, and with crime expected to rise over the coming months it is better to be safe than sorry.

Steve Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, specialists in energy saving lightbulbs, low energy light bulbs and light fittings, said, Lighting the outside of your property can be done in numerous ways, but it is wise to bear certain factors in mind when selecting the right lighting product for your home or business. When we begin worrying about crime rates and finding a way to protect our home or livelihood, it is tempting to purchase the brightest lights you can find from leading DIY stores that can be up to 500 Watts. Instead of opting for the brightest lights around, at BLT Direct, we are advising people that many energy saving alternatives can be purchased that will reduce the risk you run of upsetting your neighbours, or even worse recreating Blackpool illuminations!

Energy saving alternatives are a much more environmentally friendly way of approaching home and business security and sodium, metal halide and LED light fittings are much more energy efficient using from as little as 8 to 150 watts of power.   

Mr Ellwood added, Despite these products being of a much lower wattage, they can be up to three times brighter than their traditional counterparts.  At BLT Direct, we understand that security floodlights are an excellent way of deterring criminals, but we offer ways of adding security to your home without adding to your electric bills!

For business use, LED floodlights are a great solution and these too are available in energy saving outputs of just 10 watts, but these can be more expensive at around £50-£60 per unit.

There is no doubt that outdoor light fittings can deter would-be burglars and it is also an effective means of reducing the fear of crime especially amongst vulnerable groups.  Just the peace of mind generated by fitting external security lighting to the outside of your home can make it a worthwhile investment. According to A report featured in The Mail, in January, 31 police forces across England and Wales reported a huge rise in burglaries in the last four months of 2009, and that protection was the key.  With lack of job security and an uphill struggle ahead for many, crime rates are set to hit record levels, so it really is time to invest in home security systems.