Seven incredible creative projects using LED light bulbs

Once upon a time, lightbulbs were seen as a dull necessity. Something you needed to illuminate your way through life when it was dark. However nowadays, lightbulbs have become fashion accessories in their own right.

Seven incredible creative projects using LED light bulbs

Once upon a time, lightbulbs were seen as a dull necessity. Something you needed to illuminate your way through life when it was dark. However nowadays, lightbulbs have become fashion accessories in their own right. A way to transform an interior space with ease, they are used to create mood, build atmosphere, highlight areas and utterly transform spaces.

The rise in LED light bulbs has made this infinitely easier, thanks to them being eco-friendly, staying cool to the touch and coming in an almost unprecedented range of colours, shapes, sizes and styles. If you’re looking to transform your home, or even office using LED light bulbs, take inspiration from these incredible, creative projects and go wild with LED bulbs.

Step To It
Imagine walking through your door on a cold, dark evening and being greeted by this modern but oh so inviting staircase! They have used simple LED strip lights to create this unique effect and really make a feature of something otherwise quite boring.

Keep On-trend With Jars
The jar trend is still going strong. Why not make the most of an empty jar and fill it with delicate LED string lights? This creates a gentle glow that will highlight shelves or illuminate dark areas of the room in an utterly unique way.

Illuminate Memories
Polaroid-style photos have enjoyed something of a resurgence over the last couple of years. Why not double that up with another much-loved item – fairy lights – and create a bright memory wall that will fill you with joy every time you look at it.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild
The overall effect of this strip LED light is incredible. A real statement in any room, this swirl design is sure to be a talking point for guests.

Unleash Your Inner Urbanite
This 3D printed lightshade is perfect for modern living spaces where you really want to show off your interests and tastes. You could even try changing it up with a coloured LED bulb.

Unwind with tranquil colours
If life gets too much, relax and unwind in blue harmony. Coloured LED bulbs are perfect for creating atmosphere. And nothing signifies calm and serene like blue bulbs.

Get In The Festive Spirit
These stunning, sparkly jars are the ideal DIY project to get you in the mood for the upcoming Christmas period. You can make them as detailed or simple as you like, just make sure you make use of battery powered LED string lights to create a warm glow.