Spring Clean Your Energy Bills with BLT Direct’s Energy-Saving Lighting Solutions

<span>Take spring cleaning one step further this year with BLT Direct. Don't stop at emptying cupboards and cleaning carpets &ndash; reinvigorate the home with energy-efficient lighting solutions.span>

Spring Clean Your Energy Bills with BLT Direct’s Energy-Saving Lighting Solutions

It is that time of year again, where homeowners clear out their cupboards, deep-clean their carpets and indulge in a whole manner of spring cleaning activities that help to get their homes straight for the beginning of the year. Leading lighting provider BLT Direct is this year encouraging all those who are partaking in a little spring cleaning to think outside the box and see if their energy bills could do with a little sprucing up.
Before packing away the stepladder used to dust the top of the bookshelves, and before closing the toolbox they got out in order to fix a wobbly chair leg in the dining room, homeowners are urged to take a good look at their lighting solutions this year and see if there’s any way they could be improved. The emphasis is obviously on energy-efficiency for many homes, who, at this time of year, are still dreading their post-Christmas quarterly electricity bill.
Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct, which provides high-quality, efficient lighting solutions for homes and businesses, says, “Spring cleaning is a traditional annual event that many people indulge in once the winter weather clears; people want to get their homes spick and span, make any much-needed repairs, clear out their cupboards and generally refresh their homes ahead of spring. This year we are calling all homeowners to go one step further with their spring cleaning. Instead of just stopping at dusting and vacuuming, we urge everyone to invest in energy-saving lighting solutions that will help to cut their energy bills dramatically, whilst still providing beautiful bright light all year round.”
Spring cleaning a home’s lighting solutions can have a multitude of benefits for those inhabiting the space. Many often complain that older incandescent bulbs are guilty of being dim, with poor colour rendering, but LED lights and other energy-saving alternatives are incredibly bright and illuminate a space beautifully. They are available in every colour temperature under the sun, with warm white and daylight proving the most popular choices for those trying to revamp their home.
Then there are the obvious cost benefits of switching to more energy-efficient bulbs. A standard Megaman LED GU10 light bulb is estimated to save owners more than £100 over the course of its considerable life span, which dramatically offsets the £7.41 is costs to buy the bulb in the first place. Electricity bills are greatly reduced, and homeowners can feel satisfied that they are making their contribution to sustainability efforts by minimising their carbon footprint.
BLT Direct’s range of energy-saving lighting solutions is extensive, with a myriad of options for homes, businesses and other commercial environments.  To find out more about their energy-saving light bulbs, visit the BLT Direct website.