The clocks are going back – have you checked your lighting?

Those hanging on to the last remaining moments of British summer time are given a harsh jolt back to reality this weekend, as the clocks are to fall back on Sunday October 30 at 2am, marking the official end to the summer period and the beginning of the winter hibernation. While we have already

The clocks are going back – have you checked your lighting?

Those hanging on to the last remaining moments of British summer time are given a harsh jolt back to reality this weekend, as the clocks are to fall back on Sunday October 30 at 2am, marking the official end to the summer period and the beginning of the winter hibernation. While we have already been noticing the gloomier nights, next week the mornings will shine brighter as the evenings will loom darker than they have been in months. With the maximum amount of daylight now limited to just seven hours, rather than the 14 that would be experienced throughout summer, BLT Direct highlights the importance of ensuring homes are kitted out with strong, reliable lighting so that daily activities aren’t disrupted and houses are kept safe.

As a privileged nation that is used to having light whenever it is needed, it is only when experiencing events such as power cuts or technical faults that we realise how much of our day to day life requires illumination. However, simply becoming complacent during the longer, lighter months can mean that homes are left in total darkness as the clocks go back and light bulbs are in need of replacement. BLT Direct, a premium supplier of light bulbs throughout the UK, invites concerned homeowners to browse its vast, diverse selection of light bulbs, sure that it can provide the solution to all domestic lighting problems.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct said “When a lightbulb blows in a household it can make life very difficult, especially as the days get darker and we rely on light more than ever. When it is in a room such as the bathroom or kitchen where illumination is especially necessary, it can make even the simple daily tasks incredibly difficult. Unfortunately, many modern households don’t have a batch of emergency candles to keep a room glowing during times like this, and the best preparation people can do as we enter autumn officially is to make sure they are stocked up on all of their household light bulbs, ready for when darkness descends.”

The range of solutions for internal lighting on offer from BLT Direct is diverse, stocking everything from energy saving led light bulbs to practical GU10 led bulbs and decorative LED candle lamps. An extensive range of strong, LED flood lights and other robust external lighting fixtures ensure that gardens, garages and walkways are kept bright, long into the night.