Your guide to classy Christmas lighting outdoors

With summer officially over and even Halloween and bonfire night now out of the way, all that's left now is the ‘big one'. The lead up to Christmas wouldn't be the same without the festoons of lights and impressive displays seen everywhere from the high street to suburba

Your guide to classy Christmas lighting outdoors

With summer officially over and even Halloween and bonfire night now out of the way, all that’s left now is the ‘big one’. The lead up to Christmas wouldn’t be the same without the festoons of lights and impressive displays seen everywhere from the high street to suburban gardens, but getting it right can mean the difference between making a stylish nod towards the season or creating a cringe-worthy, garish display. Outdoor lighting is constantly on show, making a statement about yourself or your business, so it’s important to consider what look you are going for and to get the style just right this Christmas season!
LED String Lights being used to create a magical christmas effect.
LED String Lights
These are one of the most popular choices the world over for outdoor Christmas lighting, and for good reason. These can be draped over trees and shrubbery, fencing or around window frames and roof shingles, and are one of the simplest ways to get involved with festive décor. LED bulbs are also more energy efficient and last longer than alternative light bulbs, something to consider if you plan on having your lights on a lot in the run up to Christmas. If you want to be extra festive, why not choose icicle style led string lights?
Green coloured light bulb on a festoon string.
Coloured Bulbs
The thought of coloured bulbs might fill some with visions of outrageous winter wonderland style front garden transformations, but you can use coloured LED bulbs to add a subtle edge to your outdoor Christmas lighting. If you already have some lights in place, why not change your regular bulb for a coloured LED bulb instead? Changing your bulbs you can give a nod to the season with minimal fuss. Although red is a traditionally festive colour, too much on its own might look a little aggressive, so try blue for a softer effect. Mix and match colours for a warming, jolly feel.
A collection of lanterns
Lanterns are a classic choice for all year round. However, they are perfect for utilizing over Christmas, evoking that sense of cosiness and warmth we all associate with the winter period. Available in a variety of styles from vintage to minimalist, the lantern is an outdoor lighting staple that can easily lend itself to a stylish Christmas arrangement. Whilst the December weather is not really ideal for live flames, modern lanterns containing candle shaped bulbs are a great alternative.
Ground Level Lighting
If you’re short on ladders or time, then creating a magical pathway could be a great way to get involved without spending lots of time fiddling with tree branches or facades. Try lining the pathway to your door with LED bulbs, or along the driveway, so that every time somebody arrives they feel as though they are going somewhere special.
If you’re looking to create classy Christmas lighting for your outdoor space, have a look at our outdoor specific range to view the full collection of festive LED bulbs and more!