Replacing Grolux fluorescent tubes is easy with BLT Direct; simply click on your required lamp detailed below, order then install into an existing fitting. We stock this light source as T5 (15mm diameter) and T8 (25mm diameter) tubes in wattages of 8w, 15w, 18w, 20w, 30w, 36w and 58 watts. These double ended 2 pin (G5 or G13) lamps are also defined by length starting at 300mm and increasing to 1500mm.
There are also sodium plant growing light bulbs available.
As a specialist light source the Grolux Fluorescent Tube emits a high level of red and blue radiation that promotes healthy plant growth in areas with insufficient daylight. To this end this lamp is commonly used in appropriate fittings in horticultural applications such as greenhouses, conservatories, indoor gardens and florists. Grolux lamps are also used for the artificial lighting of freshwater aquariums strengthening the colours of aquatic plants and fish. As an energy efficient light source these fluorescent tubes will last up to 10,000 hours, are very affordable and reliable with a proven track record of performance.