Frequently Asked Lighting Questions
We make every effort in answering your questions.
This is a list of those questions we are frequently asked.
Please consult these before contacting us.
Click on a question below to reveal its answer.
- Are energy saving and led light bulbs dimmable?
- Are LED GU10s a direct retrofit?
- Are LED/CFL Candles the same size as old style types?
- Are LEDs Safe?
- Can daylight tubes help with Seasonal Affective Disorder?
- Can I swap my compact fluorescent bulb for a higher/lower wattage?
- Can I swap my Halogen MR16 light bulbs for LED versions?
- Can I swap one brand of tube for another?
- Can I Touch The Glass On Halogen Light Bulbs when changing them?
- Can LED Flood Lights replace metal halide/discharge flood lights?
- Can LEDs Save Me Money?
- Can MR16 light bulbs be swapped for Coloured versions?
- Can you get coloured flood lights?
- Can you get LED versions of Halogen Capsules?
- Can you get LED versions of Halogen MR11 Light Bulbs?
- Can you get LED versions of Halogen MR8 Light Bulbs?
- Difference between GU4 & GZ4 and GU10 & GZ10?
- Do energy saving bulbs flicker when you turn them on?
- Do energy saving light bulbs get hot?
- Do Fly Killers Need Black Light or Blacklight Blue Types Of Light Bulbs?
- Do I include pins in my measurements?
- Do LED Lights Attract Insects?
- Do LEDs Have A Warm Up Time?
- Don't energy saving light bulbs give a harsh light?
- FL58W835… What does the code on my tube mean?
- How Bright Are LED Light Bulbs?
- How Can I Dispose Of My Light Bulbs And Batteries?
- How do Energy Saving Halogen light bulbs compare to CFL and LED Light Bulbs?
- How do I change or reset my password?
- How do I contact BLT Directs sales team?
- How do I contact customer service?
- How long do energy saving light bulbs take to "warm up"?
- How Much Power Do LEDs Use?
- I need a light bulb for my UV nail dryer… What type do I need?
- Installation Of LED Strip
- My Compact Fluorescent code doesn’t match to your website… Help?
- The history of light bans and ones to come...
- Understanding LED Drivers
- What are daylight light bulbs used for?
- What are dichroic light bulbs and how can I tell them apart from an ordinary lamp?
- What are discharge lamps? (metal halide, sodium, mercury)
- What are Energy Saving Halogen Light Bulbs?
- What Are LED Strips?
- What Are Lumens?
- What are PAR lamps used for? What sizes to PAR lamps come in?
- What are reflekto light bulbs?
- What are the different types of cap and base?
- What are the different types of light bulbs?
- What Colour Temperature Do I Need?
- What do I do if I have an issue with my order?
- What Does Beam Angle Mean?
- What Does COB Stand For?
- What Does IP Rated Mean?
- What Does RGB Stand For?
- What Does SMD Stand For?
- What does wavelength and frequency mean?
- What is a Germicidal light bulb?
- What Is A GLS Bulb?
- What Is An LED?
- What is Full Spectrum light and can light bulbs reproduce it?
- What is the difference between black light and black light blue… I'm confused!?
- What is the equivalent wattage for an energy saving lamp?
- What is your return policy?
- What LED Flood Light do I require to replace a Halogen Flood Light?
- What Lumens do I need to replace a halogen GU10?
- What Lumens do I need to replace a Halogen MR16?
- What Type Of UV Light Bulb Does my Pond Purifier Require?
- What's the difference between a GU10 and MR16?
- What's the difference between multiphosphor and triphosphor?
- What's the difference between switch start and high frequency?!
- What's the difference between T2, T4, T5 and T8 Tubes?
- Whats the difference between a G4, G6.35 and G9 Capsule Lamps?
- Whats the difference between white, black and silver backed MR16 light bulbs?
- Whats The Life On An LED Light Bulb?
- When Were Incandescent Light Bulbs Banned?
- When will I get my refund?
- Where are R7s light bulbs used?
- Where are R80 light bulbs used?
- Where are you located?
- Who Invented The Light Bulb?
- Why are the plastic lugs on my Compact Fluorescent lamp in a different position?
- Why You Should Use Daylight Bulbs in the Kitchen
- Will LED Bulbs Work In My Existing Fittings?