Tridonic Electronic Ignitors
Introducing the Tridonic Atco range of Electronic Ignitors that encompasses Super Imposed Pulse Ignitors, Timed Imposed and standard Pulse Ignitors. Necessary for igniting metal halide and sodium lamps without internal starters this innovative range of gear includes ignitors suitable for all commercially available high-intensity discharge lamps with wattages from 35 to 3,500 W, which require an ignition voltage between 800 and 5,000 V (depending on the type of lamp).
Super and timed imposed ignitors are digitally operated and feature automatic reset within 1 second, disconnection of the ignition function after 20 minutes, short restart times and minimum downtime. This all adds up to faster restarts for hot lamps, and the elimination of flickering light at end of life. A great feature of the Pulse ignitor is an integrated digital three-start counter that stops the ignition process after three unsuccessful lamp starts thereby avoiding overloading the control gear with high-voltage pulses.