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Dimmable LED Drivers

With dimming LED bulbs one of the fastest growing trends, dimmable LED drivers are becoming more necessary than ever. If you want reliable dimmable LED bulbs then you need a dimmable driver that will keep your lighting functioning efficiently. Here at BLT Direct we have a huge range of dimmable drivers in multiple voltages and IP ratings, all sourced from a selection of reputable manufacturers such as ALL LED, Crompton and Knightsbridge. With IP ratings up to IP67, both indoor and outdoor use are a possibility, allowing you to light up your garden or outside your business. Browse below to find the dimmable LED driver that is best for you.

What is a dimmable LED driver?

A dimmable LED driver, also known as a dimmable LED transformer, is a piece of lighting equipment that allows you to dim your LED lightbulbs in the circuit. It does this typically by two methods, either reducing the current flowing into the LED and therefor reducing the level of brightness, or by pulse width modulation. Pulse width modulation is where an LED driver turns an LED off and on many times a second,  quicker than the human eye could see, to create a dimming effect. The level of dimming is adjusted by the ratio of the LEDs being on or off, for example if a light was dimmed at 30% then it would be on for 30% and off for 70% creating the desired light level.

Are constant current LED drivers dimmable?

While not all constant current LED drivers are dimmable we have a number that are, with a range available from different brands, and at different current levels. A constant current driver is a driver that varies the voltage across the circuit to maintain a constant current output. If you have questions about constant current LED drivers or our range of dimmable LED transformers, then please get into contact with us on 01473 716418 or via the form on our website. 

Do I need a dimmable LED driver?

If you have dimmable bulbs then you will require a driver with dimming capabilities, this is because dimmable LED drivers reduce the current that flows into the LED bulb, achieving the desired level of light output. Please note that non-dimmable bulbs will still work as normal but will not have dimmable capabilities with an dimmable LED driver.